HTML5 & CSS3 - What's the Big Deal?

Learn why HTML5 & CSS3 compliant code is important.

What is HTML5?

What we understand today as HTML5 has had a relatively turbulent history. You probably already know that HTML is the predominant markup language used to describe content, or data, on the World Wide Web. HTML5 is the latest iteration of that markup language, and includes new features, improvements to existing features, and scripting-based APIs.

That said, HTML5 is not a reformulation of previous versions of the language — it includes all valid elements from both HTML4 and XHTML 1.0. Furthermore, it’s been designed with some primary principles in mind to ensure it works on just about every platform, is compatible with older browsers, and handles errors gracefully.

.First and foremost, HTML5 includes redefinitions of existing markup elements, and new elements that allow web designers to be more expressive in the semantics of their markup. Why litter your page with divs when you have articles, sections, headers, footers, and more?The term “HTML5” has additionally been used to refer to a number of other new technologies and APIs.

Some of these include drawing with the canvas element, offline storage, the new video and audio elements, drag-and-drop functionality, Microdata, embedded fonts, and others.

Why Should I Care About HTML5?

As mentioned, at the core of HTML5 are a number of new semantic elements, as well as several related technologies and APIs. These additions and changes to the language have been introduced with the goal of web pages being easier to code, use, and access.

These new semantic elements, along with other standards like WAI-ARIA and Microdata, help make our documents more accessible to both humans and machines — resulting in benefits for both accessibility and search engine optimization.

The semantic elements, in particular, have been designed with the dynamic web in mind, with a particular focus on making pages more modular and portable.

Finally, the APIs associated with HTML5 help improve on a number of techniques that web developers have been using for years. Many common tasks are now simplified, putting more power in developers’ hands. Furthermore, the introduction of HTML5-based audio and video means there will be less dependence on third-party software and plugins when publishing rich media content on the Web. Overall, there is good reason to start looking into HTML5’s new features and APIs.

What is CSS3?

Another separate — but no less important — part of creating web pages is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). As you probably know, CSS is a style language that describes how HTML markup is presented or styled. CSS3 is the latest version of the CSS specification. The term “CSS3” is not just a reference to the new features in CSS, but the third level in the progress of the CSS specification .

CSS3 contains just about everything that’s included in CSS2.1 (the previous version of the spec). It also adds new features to help developers solve a number of problems without the need for non-semantic markup, complex scripting, or extra images.

New features in CSS3 include support for additional selectors, drop shadows, rounded corners, multiple backgrounds, animation, transparency, and much more. CSS3 is distinct from HTML5. We’ll be using the term CSS3 to refer to the third level of the CSS specification, with a particular focus on what’s new in CSS3. Thus, CSS3 is separate from HTML5 and its related APIs.

Why Should I Care About CSS3?

Some design techniques find their way into almost every project. Drop shadows, gradients, and rounded corners are three good examples. We see them everywhere. When used appropriately, and in harmony with a site’s overall theme and purpose, these enhancements can make a design flourish.

Perhaps you’re thinking: we’ve been creating these design elements using CSS for years now. But have we?

In the past, in order to create gradients, shadows, and rounded corners, web designers have had to resort to a number of tricky techniques. Sometimes extra HTML elements were required. In cases where the HTML is kept fairly clean, scripting hacks were required. In the case of gradients, the use of extra images was inevitable. We put up with these workarounds, because there was no other way of accomplishing those designs.

CSS3 allows you to include these and other design elements in a forward-thinking manner that leads to so many benefits: clean markup that is accessible to humans and machines, maintainable code, fewer extraneous images, and faster loading pages.Why Should I Care About HTML5?

As mentioned, at the core of HTML5 are a number of new semantic elements, as well as several related technologies and APIs. These additions and changes to the language have been introduced with the goal of web pages being easier to code, use, and access.

These new semantic elements, along with other standards like WAI-ARIA and Microdata, help make our documents more accessible to both humans and machines — resulting in benefits for both accessibility and search engine optimization.

The semantic elements, in particular, have been designed with the dynamic web in mind, with a particular focus on making pages more modular and portable.

Finally, the APIs associated with HTML5 help improve on a number of techniques that web developers have been using for years. Many common tasks are now simplified, putting more power in developers’ hands. Furthermore, the introduction of HTML5-based audio and video means there will be less dependence on third-party software and plugins when publishing rich media content on the Web. Overall, there is good reason to start looking into HTML5’s new features and APIs.